New Nation News Editor's Desk

ARCHIVE for 4 Feb 2007


  • Bangkok monk charged with raping a Vietnamese-Australian teenager
    Thai police are investigating allegations that Phra Wimolmunee (Munee) Waewnokyoong, 59, sexually assaulted the 18-year-old during a "rite" at a temple on January 25. Police say they arrested the monk on Thursday as he allegedly tried to assault the teenager a second time. They had hidden on the premises after being told of the first alleged attack and asking the woman to return to the temple with a camera concealed in her bag. A friend, who said she had accompanied the woman on her first visit to the temple, had later told police what had happened. She said the monk had told the woman that bad luck had befallen her and that she should undergo a ritual to avoid what he called "bad things". The monk then took the woman into his private quarters to perform a "rite" that included the use of lighted candles on her naked body. But, after she had undressed, he sexually assaulted her. - (Newsroom)

  • Japanese NGO head arrested for rape of 14-year-old girl in Thailand
    Katsuya Fukuyama, 38, leader of the Mountain Tribe Scholarship Fund Project, an NGO supporting tribes in Chiang Mai, northern Thailand, is accused of raping a child aged under 15. Under Thai law, he could face up to 20 years in prison.


    Robbery-Rape Suspect On The Loose
Marvin CarrIt was a brutal double rape. Now a reward is being offered to bring the assailant to justice. 28 year-old Marvin Carr is a hunted man. Police say in the early morning hours of November 9th, 2006 Carr and three other men broke into a home. That is when a terrifying ordeal began for a woman, her two children and her boyfriend. After robbing the couple, two of the men raped the woman at knifepoint. Meantime, her 6 year-old child entered the room. Three of the suspects were captured. Carr is still out there. He knows he is facing two major felonies -- rape and kidnapping. - (Newsroom) - (crime)


Black guilty of forcing phone down white woman's throat
Marlon Brando GillMelinda AbellINDEPENDENCE, Mo. — A jury convicted a man of second-degree domestic assault on Saturday for shoving a cell phone down his girlfriend's throat. Prosecutors said Marlon Brando Gill, 25, of Kansas City, forced the cell phone into Melinda Abell's mouth during an argument in December 2005. Gill denied the charge, claiming that she tried to swallow the phone to prevent him from finding out whom she had been calling. Abell, 25, of Blue Springs, was rushed to a hospital where doctors removed the phone. - (Newsroom) - (crime) - (Black-on-white)
Ref: Assault Charge Filed In Cell Phone Swallowing
Ref: Suspect in Cell Phone Assault Pleads Not Guilty to Assault




  • Woman's Screams Save Her From Attempted Rape by Morongo Indian man
    Franklyn James Scott of the Morongo Indian Reservation, entered the restaurant, brandished a box-cutter knife and demanded food from workers, but was turned away. Scott then allegedly followed a 23-year-old woman into the restroom, held her down and attempted to rape her, Contreras said. The woman's screams alerted customers and workers who came in, stopped the suspect and detained him until police arrived. - (Abo)

Cost of Iraq war


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  • Native American trackers to step up border role
    SELLS, Arizona (Reuters) - An elite group of Native American trackers that use skills handed down from the ancestral hunt is being tapped to play a larger role in securing the United States' borders. Little known outside law enforcement circles, the Shadow Wolves have hunted drug and human traffickers on a lonely stretch of the Arizona-Mexico border southwest of Tucson since the 1970s. In an age of unmanned aerial surveillance drones, video cameras and electronic sensors on the borders, the 14-member unit uses age-old "sign cutting" techniques to follow foot, horse and vehicle trails for miles across the cactus-studded wastes of the Tohono O'odham nation for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. - (Invasion!) - (Abo)
  • American Patrol Report
  • Hispanics in the news - Citizenship status of suspect not reported
  • Illegal immigrants in the news

    Tech student upset over lack of black history classes stabs 3
COCONUT CREEK, Fla. -- A 25-year-old student angry that his technical school wasn't teaching about black history walked into his business class Friday and stabbed three school officials with a screwdriver, police said. Kevin Mair of Plantation walked into his classroom at Atlantic Technical Center using a cane and sound-blocking headphones similar to those used in a gun range, said Officer Anthony Avello of the Coconut Creek Police Department. Mair became agitated and "expressed his displeasure about the lack of black history being taught at the school," Avello said. February is Black History Month. The teacher asked Mair to leave and called for staff assistance, he said. Mair then attacked the three victims with a screwdriver he took to school, officials said. An assistant director of the school was stabbed in the back and two security specialists in the arms. The three were later released from the hospital. Mair fled in his car, was involved in a car crash and tried to run from officers but was apprehended. He will be charged with multiple counts of aggravated battery, authorities said. - (Newsroom)

    Photos of black sodomite faggot wanted for questioning in boy child's rape released
black faggot boy rapist(LOUISVILLE) -- Metro Police have released photos of a man they want to talk with in the investigation into the sexual assault on a Louisville middle school student. Detectives released surveillence video taken on the TARC bus the child was riding on Tuesday morning. They say the victim boarded the bus on Manslick Road, transferred at 5th and Broadway and got off at Preston and Broadway. After the child left the bus, he told police a man followed him as he was walking from the bus stop to Meyzeek Middle School, raping him in an alley just a block away. - (Newsroom) - (crime)

    Black Georgia U.S. mayor converts to Islam
Jack EllisLittle Black Sambo under umbrellaMACON, Georgia (AP) -- Mayor Jack Ellis has converted to Islam and is working to change his legal name to Hakim Mansour Ellis. Ellis, 61, a Macon native who was raised Christian, said he became a Sunni Muslim during a December ceremony in the west African nation of Senegal. Ellis said he has studied the Quran for years and that his new religion was practiced by his ancestors before they were brought to North America as slaves. "Why does one become a Christian?" Ellis said Thursday. "You do it because it feels right. ... To me it's no big deal. But people like to know what you believe in." - (Newsroom)






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    Rape Victim: 'He Can't Hurt Anybody Else' - Police: DNA Leads To Rape Charges In 1999 Case
Jimmy J. SmithJennifer SpanglerKANSAS CITY, Kan. -- A woman who was raped eight years ago said she is relieved that charges have been brought in the case. Police said a DNA hit led to rape charges against Jimmy J. Smith, 52, who is already serving time in Missouri for other crimes in Jackson County. Jennifer Spangler said she was 15 on Feb. 23, 1999, when she was attacked while waiting for a school bus in Kansas City, Kan. "He had me at gunpoint. I really couldn't run," Spangler said. She said she was kidnapped and raped, and then her attacker dropped her off at Harmon High School. - (Newsroom) - (crime) - (Black-on-white)

    Fifth Arrest In Fatal Carjacking Of Knoxville Couple
Demonic blacks kidnaped gang raped and murdered young white woman and burned boyfriend's corpse

Double murder suspect has hearing in Ky., may be returned to Knoxville
Lemaricus DavidsonLetalvis CobbinsGeorge ThomasEric BoydVanessa ColemanChannon Christian  and Christopher NewsomVanessa Coleman is the fifth person taken into custody as a result of the January Seventh carjacking that led to the deaths of 21-year-old Channon Christian and 23-year-old Christopher Newsom. The 18-year-old Coleman was arrested Wednesday in Lebanon, Kentucky, by the Marion County Sheriff's Office. Coleman was a witness who saw Christian alive at the rented home of another suspect Lemaricus Davidson. Christian was raped, killed and her body left in a trash can in the house, according to court records. Her boyfriend was bound, killed and his body burned, then left along some nearby railroad tracks.
- (Newsroom) - (crime) - (Black-on-white)

31 Jan 2007 archived - (click at left for full coverage)
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    Death Penalty for Cop Killer Ronell WilsonRonell Wilson Sticks tongue out at widow
After two days of deliberations, a federal jury sentenced Ronell Wilson to death for the 2003 killings of undercover detectives James Nemorin and Rodney Andrews. When the verdict was read, Wilson rolled his eyes and stuck his tongue out at Nemorin's widow Rose. This is the first death penalty sentence for a federal case in NY State in over 50 years. While family and friends of the deceased cheered, Wilson's younger brother shouted after the verdict was read. The Sun said it sounded like a curse, but Daniel Wilson was taken out of the court room, only for Nemorin's mother-in-law to say, "You are a dead man!" Then Wilson's mother Cheryl said, "Y'all the murderers now." Daniel Wilson told the Daily News, "Just because one family lost a member, does that mean it's right that another family loses theirs? If their families are hurting so bad, how the f--k could they stand by and say 'Yes' when another man's life has to be taken." - (Newsroom) - (crime)

30 Jan 2007 archived - (click at left for full coverage)
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Bible  Psa 55:15 Let death seize upon them, [and] let them go down quick into hell: for wickedness [is] in their dwellings, [and] among them.

Poll: What is the best solution for racial problems?
Ref: The American Colonization Society

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